
"masonry" in Spanish

When you have an earthquake, huge chunks of masonry fall.
Cuando se produce un terremoto, caen pedazos enormes de mampostería.
Military helicopters came to lift heavy pieces of masonry that had fallen down.
Los helicópteros militares llegaron para levantar grandes trozos de mampostería que se habían derrumbado.
Those pieces of masonry are blocking roads and there is no access, and the road network has broken down.
Esos trozos de mampostería bloquean carreteras y no hay accesos y la red viaria se ha venido abajo.
When you have an earthquake, huge chunks of masonry fall.
Cuando se produce un terremoto, caen pedazos enormes de mampostería.
Military helicopters came to lift heavy pieces of masonry that had fallen down.
Los helicópteros militares llegaron para levantar grandes trozos de mampostería que se habían derrumbado.
Those pieces of masonry are blocking roads and there is no access, and the road network has broken down.
Esos trozos de mampostería bloquean carreteras y no hay accesos y la red viaria se ha venido abajo.
sillería{f} [archit.]

Synonyms (English) for "Masonry":
Context examples for "masonry" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
beware of falling masonry
peligro de derrumbe