
"manna" in Spanish

"manna" in Spanish
The European manna is being used solely to stretch out an untenable regime.
El maná europeo sólo sirve para prorrogar un régimen insostenible.
Of course, the Structural Funds will be there to put a dressing on the wounds; the Community manna will come down to soothe the discontent.
Naturalmente, los Fondos estructurales curarán las heridas; el maná comunitario calmará los descontentos.
The European political parties, or rather the manna from heaven that ought to fund them, amount to a rather sorry sight.
. – Los partidos políticos europeos, o más exactamente el maná que debería servir para su financiación, nos ofrecen un espectáculo desolador.

Synonyms (English) for "manna":
Context examples for "manna" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This did not fall like manna from heaven: we achieved it in the Conciliation Committee.
Esto no ha sido casual, sino que hemos hecho prevalecer esto en el Comité de Conciliación.
And We overshadowed them with the cloud; and sent down upon them the manna and the quails, saying, "Eat of the good things We have provided you with!
Y cuando su pueblo pidió agua a Moisés, le inspiramos: “¡Golpea la roca con tu vara!
This Commission programme might be the manna we were waiting for and help us to create employment and consolidate popular participation.
Este programa de la Comisión puede, señora Presidenta, ser oro en nuestras manos para crear empleo y consolidar la participación de los ciudadanos.