
"localizable" in English

"localizable" in English
localizable{adjective masculine/feminine}
"localizable" in Spanish
localizable{adjective masculine/feminine}

Context examples for "localizable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Dicha información "será clara, amplia y fácilmente localizable".
This information shall be 'easily accessible to third parties, transparent and comprehensive'.
No he podido verificar las actividades de la OLAF por que no estaba localizable el director de este organismo.
I could not contact OLAF's director and so have been unable to verify what that authority has been doing.
Y en el fondo, necesitamos expulsar de nuestras aguas todos aquellos buques cuyo responsable no esté claramente identificado, no esté localizable, no sea solvente o no esté completamente asegurado.
And the bottom line is that we need to ban from our waters any vessel for which the person responsible is not clearly identified, cannot be located, is not credit-worthy or is not completely insured.