
"lo moderno" in English

"lo moderno" in English
como uno puede notar por lo moderno de su vestimenta
as you can see from the trendiness of his clothes

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Context examples for "lo moderno" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
como uno puede notar por lo moderno de su vestimenta
as you can see from the trendiness of his clothes
La Segunda Guerra Mundial ayudó a fraguar el mundo moderno y lo que es hoy en día más que cualquier otro evento histórico”, afirmó.
World War II made the modern world what it is more than any single event in history," he says.
Y pido también al Grupo Socialista que considere que eso es lo realmente moderno y no lo antiguo.
And I would also ask the Socialist Group to take on board that this is truly the modern way to act and not the old-fashioned one.
Por tanto, tengo en muy alta estima a mis camaradas, los voluntarios de las brigadas de bomberos, cuyos equipos -por decirlo suavemente- no son precisamente de lo más moderno, como hemos oído.
I therefore have a very high regard for my comrades, the voluntary fire brigades, whose equipment - put politely - was often not exactly state of the art, as we have heard.
¿Es esto lo que esperamos del moderno Partido Laborista, que se deja hacer cosquillas en temas vitales para el Reino Unido solamente porque quiere dar coba a la UE y ofrecer una imagen presidencial?
Is this what we expect from the modern Labour Party, which rolls over to be tickled on the issues vital to the UK and all because it wants to suck up to the EU and look presidential?