
"kangaroo" in Spanish

"kangaroo" in Spanish
canguro{m} [zool.]
Many of the Members speaking today belong to the Kangaroo Group.
Muchos de los diputados que están interviniendo hoy forman parte del «Grupo Canguro».
Many of the Members speaking today belong to the Kangaroo Group.
Muchos de los diputados que están interviniendo hoy forman parte del« Grupo Canguro».
In the autumn, the Kangaroo Group will be able to present the Commission's proposal together with Mr Klinz.
En otoño, el Grupo Canguro podrá presentar junto con el señor Klinz la propuesta de la Comisión.

Context examples for "kangaroo" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The Commission has been a kangaroo court.
La Comisión ha actuado como un tribunal irregular y arbitrario.
Mr President, the accusations against Mr Tsiakourmas are groundless to the point that they must surely be thrown out even by the kangaroo court in which he is being tried.
Señor Presidente, las acusaciones contra el Sr. Tsiakourmas son tan burdas, que no pueden sostenerse ni siquiera en el pseudotribunal que lo juzga.
Only yesterday, as you have heard, a kangaroo court in Tehran called for the death penalty against five protesters arrested during the Ashura riots on 27 December.
Tan solo ayer, como han oído, un tribunal irregular y arbitrario en Teherán pidió la pena de muerte para cinco manifestantes arrestados durante los disturbios del 27 de diciembre.
At yesterday's Kangaroo Group lunch, Mr Zoellic said that in his view and that of his government not every problem in the private sector needs to be solved by the government.
El Sr. Zoellic manifestó ayer durante el almuerzo Kangaroo que, en su opinión y en la de su gobierno, no hace falta que cada problema del sector privado sea solucionado por el gobierno.
At yesterday' s Kangaroo Group lunch, Mr Zoellic said that in his view and that of his government not every problem in the private sector needs to be solved by the government.
El Sr. Zoellic manifestó ayer durante el almuerzo Kangaroo que, en su opinión y en la de su gobierno, no hace falta que cada problema del sector privado sea solucionado por el gobierno.