
"Jr." in English

"Jr." in English
"Jr." in Spanish
Jr.(also: h)
Jnr{adj.} [Brit.] (Junior)
Roger Smith Jr.
Roger Smith Jnr
Jr.(also: h)
Jr{adj.} [Amer.] (Junior)
Nº de pieza:JR9-00010
Part #:JR9-00010
Hasta esta temporada, el mezclador de sonido Roy Halee Jr., ha estado produciendo shows en mono, grabando y volcando todas sus piezas a cinta.
Up until this season, re-recording mixer Roy Halee, Jr. had been producing shows in mono, recording and outputting all of his pieces to tape.
Jr.{noun} [abbreviation]
Jr{noun} [abbr.] (Junior)
Nº de pieza:JR9-00010
Part #:JR9-00010
Hasta esta temporada, el mezclador de sonido Roy Halee Jr., ha estado produciendo shows en mono, grabando y volcando todas sus piezas a cinta.
Up until this season, re-recording mixer Roy Halee, Jr. had been producing shows in mono, recording and outputting all of his pieces to tape.
Jr(also: Jnr)
Jr(also: Jnr)
Part #:JR9-00010
Nº de pieza:JR9-00010
Up until this season, re-recording mixer Roy Halee, Jr. had been producing shows in mono, recording and outputting all of his pieces to tape.
Hasta esta temporada, el mezclador de sonido Roy Halee Jr., ha estado produciendo shows en mono, grabando y volcando todas sus piezas a cinta.
Jr{noun} [abbreviation]
Jr.{noun} [abbr.] (Junior)
Part #:JR9-00010
Nº de pieza:JR9-00010
Up until this season, re-recording mixer Roy Halee, Jr. had been producing shows in mono, recording and outputting all of his pieces to tape.
Hasta esta temporada, el mezclador de sonido Roy Halee Jr., ha estado produciendo shows en mono, grabando y volcando todas sus piezas a cinta.

Synonyms (English) for "Jr":
Context examples for "Jr." in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Jr 31, 31-34), para sustituir la ley del pecado, que había desfigurado aquel corazón (cf.
Jer 31:31-34), replacing the law of sin which had disfigured that heart (cf.
Jr 31,3) no quiere la separación del hombre, sino su amistad, y es por esto que lo busca.
Gr 31,3) non vuole la separazione dall’uomo, ma la sua amicizia ed è per questo che lo cerca.
.; me has agarrado y me has podido" (Jr
ancient prophet: "You duped me, O Lord ... you were too strong for me and
Son cisternas agrietadas que el agua no pueden contener (Jr 2,13).
They are broken cisterns which can’t hold water (Jer 2.13).
Roger Smith Jr.
Roger Smith Jnr
Jr 17, 1).
Jer 17:1).
Parcialmente financiado por el Fondo Nacional para las Humanidades, los centros contienen los archivos de las colecciones del museo y constan de El CL Morehead Jr.
Curators of each collection will have offices in the corresponding study center, making information and archives easily accessible to students and researchers.
Que se repita sin temor: « Hemos pecado » (Jr 3, 25), pero manteniendo firme la certeza de que « donde abundó el pecado sobreabundó la gracia » (Rm 5, 20).
Let it be said once more without fear: “We have sinned” (Jer 3:25), but let us keep alive the certainty that “where sin increased, grace abounded even more” (Rom 5:20).
La Divina Revelación describe con la imagen nupcial la relación íntima e indisoluble entre Dios y su pueblo (Os 1-2; Is 54, 4-8; Jr 2, 2; Ez 16; 2 Co 11, 2; Rm
Divine Revelation uses the nuptial image to describe the intimate and indissoluble link between God and his people (cf. Hos 1-2; Is 54:4-8; 62:4-5; Jer 2:2; Ezek 16; 2 Cor 11:2; Rom