
"inferencia" in English

"inferencia" in English
Pero, como ya he indicado, sería prematuro sacar inferencia alguna en este momento.
But, as I have indicated already, it would be premature to draw any inferences at present.
Sin embargo, no apoyo la inferencia en la exposición de motivos de que la introducción de la BICC sea en absoluto necesaria para luchar contra el fraude fiscal.
However, I do not support the inference in the explanatory memo that the introduction of the CCCTB is in any way necessary to counter fiscal fraud.

Context examples for "inferencia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La República Eslovaca es extremadamente sensible hacia todo aquello que parezca inferencia o tutela, cosa que también hay que entender.
Slovakia is extremely sensitive about anything that looks like interference or a patronage, and it deserves our understanding for that too.
Sin embargo, resulta difícil aceptar la inferencia causal realizada entre los problemas cotidianos que afectan a muchas personas y el hecho de ser mujer.
It is nevertheless hard to accept the direct causal connection made between life problems affecting many people and the fact of being a women.