
"indeleble" in English

"indeleble" in English
indeleble{adjective masculine/feminine}
indeleble{adjective masculine/feminine}
La Presidencia portuguesa acaba de tomar el relevo y ya ha dejado una marca indeleble.
The Portuguese Presidency has just begun and it has already left an indelible mark.
Así que el Holodomor es una parte indeleble de la identidad nacional ucraniana y la memoria colectiva.
Therefore the Holodomor is an indelible part of Ukrainian national identity and collective memory.
La pesca del bacalao en Terranova dejó profundas marcas en la memoria de los pescadores y trazos indelebles en la literatura portuguesa.
Cod fishing in Newfoundland is deeply ingrained in the minds of our fishermen and has left indelible traces in Portuguese literature.
ineradicable{adj.} [form.] (memory, feeling)
permanent{adj.} (dye, ink)
Viene de los años de segregación social, de apartheid, y esto ha dejado un rastro indeleble.
It has emerged from years of social segregation and apartheid which have left permanent marks.

Context examples for "indeleble" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¡[Por esto] le marcaremos con una indeleble desgracia!
We will brand him on the snout.
tenía un recuerdo indeleble de ello
it was permanently etched on her memory
tinta indeleble
water-resistant ink
Su historia ha dejado una huella indeleble en la cultura, palpable en las influencias moriscas y orientales en la arquitectura y en las artes.
Portugal's history has had a lasting impact on the culture of the country: Moorish and Oriental influences in architecture and the arts are prominent.
El motivo por el que me preocupa tanto el desempleo juvenil es que corremos el riesgo de dejar una marca indeleble en las personas y la sociedad.
The reason that I am particularly concerned about youth unemployment is that there is a risk of it leaving a lifelong scar on the individual and on society.
El recuerdo de esta tragedia sigue tan vivo como si se hubiera producido ayer, y esta impresión permanecerá sin duda indeleble en la memoria de muchas generaciones futuras.
The memory of this tragedy remains as clear as if it had happened yesterday. It will, unfortunately, remain with us for many generations to come.
En tercer lugar, la maternidad está relacionada de forma indeleble con los problemas demográficos de cada país y es sabido con carácter general que se trata de un problema grave.
In the third place, motherhood is indelibly related to the demographic problems of each country and it is generally known that this is a grave problem.
Y, por eso, no sorprende la indeleble frontera que separa responsabilidad individual de responsabilidad colectiva o responsabilidad comunitaria de responsabilidad gubernamental.
So it is not surprising that there is a sharp dividing line between collective and individual responsibility, and between Community and governmental responsibility.