
"incongruente" in English

"incongruente" in English
incongruente{adjective masculine/feminine}
"incongruente" in Spanish
incongruente{adjective masculine/feminine}
Es incongruente que el Consejo se apreste a esta decisión antes que a la propia ley general.
It is incongruous for the Council to prepare to adopt this decision rather than its own general law.
Eso nos parece absolutamente incongruente.
That seems to us entirely incongruous.
Esta situación resulta incongruente.
Such a situation was incongruous.

Context examples for "incongruente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Todos tenemos la responsabilidad de rechazar este prejuicio incongruente contra cualquier colectivo.
It is the responsibility of all of us to reject such unthinking prejudice against any one group.
Eso no es incongruente con la defensa de la opinión de que ya hemos llegado al final del camino en este sentido.
That is not inconsistent with taking the view that we have now reached the end of the road in that respect.
¿No es incongruente que pocas semanas después se decida una ayuda suplementaria de PHARE por valor de 1.560 millones de ecus?
Is it not absurd to decide a few weeks later to give further PHARE support to the tune of ECU 1 560 million?
Una reintroducción de la norma de los doce días, ya rechazada, sería incongruente con el contenido de este informe.
A reintroduction of the 12-day rule, which has already been rejected, would be inconsistent with the substance of this report.
¡Qué situación tan incongruente!
This is an absolutely inconceivable situation!
La UE tiene, en muchos aspectos, una buena política en materia de derechos humanos, pero, desgraciadamente, es demasiado "desordenada" e incongruente.
In many respects, the EU has a good policy on human rights but, unfortunately, it is much too 'straggly' and incoherent.
La UE tiene, en muchos aspectos, una buena política en materia de derechos humanos, pero, desgraciadamente, es demasiado " desordenada " e incongruente.
In many respects, the EU has a good policy on human rights but, unfortunately, it is much too'straggly ' and incoherent.
Por suerte, el informe Lefrançois ha llegado para restaurar los valores manifiestos de una sociedad democrática en esta incongruente Decisión marco.
Fortunately, the Lefrançois report is here to restore the self-evident values of a democratic society to this crazy framework decision.
Creo que la Comisión caería en una contradicción si recortara la financiación para la India en lugar de aumentarla; sería de alguna manera incongruente.
Mr President, one of my proudest achievements in this House was to co-found three years ago the informal intergroup, Friends of India.
Caroline Jackson, la legislación actual en este sector es fragmentaria e incongruente.
- (PT) As the motion for a resolution presented by Mrs Jackson states, current legislation in this field is fragmentary and inconsistent.
Blokland ha dicho que la directiva es poco clara e incongruente y, por supuesto, a la Comisión le interesa sobremanera una revisión que compruebe esta declaración.
Mr Blokland has said that the directive is unclear and inconsistent and certainly the Commission will be very interested in a substantiated view of that statement.