
"impeccably" in Spanish

"impeccably" in Spanish
Firstly, I have already seen that the Belgian Presidency is impeccably prepared.
En primer lugar, ya he visto que la Presidencia belga está impecablemente preparada.
he is always impeccably dressed
siempre va impecablemente vestido
impeccably dressed
impecablemente vestido

Context examples for "impeccably" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I would say to this House that Mrs Fraga has behaved impeccably as rapporteur.
Quisiera decir a esta Asamblea que la Sra. Fraga ha actuado de forma impecable como ponente.
Last week' s election in Kosovo was conducted impeccably.
Las elecciones de la semana pasada en Kosovo se desarrollan sin incidentes.
Last week's election in Kosovo was conducted impeccably.
Las elecciones de la semana pasada en Kosovo se desarrollan sin incidentes.
It is extremely important that we do our job transparently and, if possible, impeccably.
Es muy importante que hagamos nuestro trabajo de manera transparente y, si es posible, de manera impecable.
I would simply like to add a few words on the current situation, which is impeccably described in this report.
Quisiera añadir simplemente unas palabras sobre la situación actual, perfectamente descrita en este informe.
he has never behaved other than impeccably with me
conmigo siempre se ha portado intachablemente
The western world, and the European Union too, on the other hand, have not always behaved impeccably towards Macedonia.
En cambio, el mundo occidental y la Unión Europea no siempre se han comportado correctamente con Macedonia.
he is always impeccably dressed
siempre va impecablemente vestido
an impeccably-behaved child
un niño muy bien educado
impeccably dressed
impecablemente vestido
You have conducted a fine campaign, you have acted with great dignity and have always behaved impeccably in all the dealings that I have had with you.
Ha hecho usted una campaña muy buena, ha actuado con gran dignidad y ha sido muy elegante, la verdad, en los contactos que hemos tenido.
The rapporteur has steered this debate impeccably through the difficulties that we often encounter with these comparatively small arguments.
La ponente ha conducido este debate de forma impecable a través de los escollos que a menudo encontramos en estas discusiones relativamente nimias.
The rapporteur has steered this debate impeccably through the difficulties that we often encounter with these comparatively small arguments.
Si lo hacemos, devaluamos el trabajo de los comités científicos, introducimos un ambiente de sospecha y acabamos con una propuesta insatisfactoria.
I must admit that, as you can see, this vote is not the final whistle marking the end of an impeccably played political game.
Debo reconocer que, como pueden ver ustedes, esta votación no representa el pitido final con el que termina un partido de carácter político caracterizado por el juego limpio.
In Finland we currently have four nuclear power stations which have worked impeccably and meet Western European safety criteria.
En la actualidad contamos en Finlandia con cuatro centrales nucleares cuyo funcionamiento se ha desarrollado de modo impecable y que cumplen los criterios de seguridad vigentes en Europa occidental.