
"hindsight" in Spanish

"hindsight" in Spanish
Frankly, in hindsight, it does not look as if the supervision has worked.
Francamente, visto en retrospectiva, no parece que la supervisión haya funcionado.
The benefit of hindsight is the most wonderful thing of all.
La ventaja de la percepción retrospectiva es lo más maravilloso de todo.
With hindsight we have reason to be thankful for that.
Visto en retrospectiva hay motivos para felicitarse por ello.

Context examples for "hindsight" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Frankly, in hindsight, it does not look as if the supervision has worked.
Francamente, visto en retrospectiva, no parece que la supervisión haya funcionado.
This is an opportunity that we should be supporting, not just reacting to in hindsight.
Ésta es una oportunidad que debemos apoyar, y no simplemente reaccionar con posterioridad.
The benefit of hindsight is the most wonderful thing of all.
La ventaja de la percepción retrospectiva es lo más maravilloso de todo.
Hearsay and hindsight have been the chief witnesses.
Los rumores y las percepciones retrospectivas han sido los principales testimonios.
Such an examination, with the benefit of hindsight, is very instructive.
A posteriori, dichos análisis resultan muy instructivos.
With hindsight we have reason to be thankful for that.
Visto en retrospectiva hay motivos para felicitarse por ello.
We should not be attempting 20:20 hindsight.
No deberíamos intentar una percepción retrospectiva equilibrada.
However, as far as we are concerned, there is no question of a motion of censure: it is easy to condemn with hindsight.
Sin embargo, no creemos que una moción de censura sea necesaria. A la postre es fácil condenar.
However, I would like to add that it is easy to evaluate past events with the wisdom of hindsight.
Sin embargo, quisiera añadir que es fácil evaluar acontecimientos pasados con el conocimiento de la visión retrospectiva.
With hindsight, I believe it would have been better for Parliament to have let the conciliation process collapse.
Retrospectivamente, creo que habría sido mejor que el Parlamento hubiera dejado hundirse el proceso de conciliación.
It regrets that warning signs were not acted upon as rapidly as with hindsight they should have been.
La Comisión lamenta no haber reaccionado a las señales de alarma con la rapidez y de manera retrospectiva, como hubiera sido su deber.
This we can say with hindsight.
Esto lo podemos afirmar con una visión retrospectiva.
That luxury is available to many of us only with hindsight some time after the referenda.
Ese lujo solo está al alcance de muchos de nosotros si lanzamos una mirada retrospectiva después de transcurrido algún tiempo desde los referendos.
It is all very easy to say that with hindsight.
Esto es fácil decirlo a posteriori.
The odds are, then, that their accession, will, with the benefit of hindsight, be seen as a huge mistake and a failure.
Las posibilidades son por lo tanto que, transcurridos varios años, su adhesión se considere un enorme error y un fracaso.
It is very easy to be wise in hindsight.
Es muy fácil criticar en retrospectiva.
With hindsight we can recognise that a number of mistakes were made and the common fisheries policy is highly over-bureaucratised.
A posteriori, podemos reconocer que se cometieron varios errores y que la Política Pesquera Común está excesivamente burocratizada.
With hindsight we can recognise that a number of mistakes were made and the common fisheries policy is highly over-bureaucratised.
A posteriori , podemos reconocer que se cometieron varios errores y que la Política Pesquera Común está excesivamente burocratizada.
With the benefit of hindsight, this House should have insisted on the same right of postponement for Bulgaria last year.
Con la sabiduría que da la experiencia, esta Cámara hubiera tenido que insistir, el año pasado, sobre el mismo derecho de aplazamiento para Bulgaria.
I have to say, with the benefit of hindsight, that this was an excellent idea of Parliament's, as a great deal can now be done with this programme.
Tengo que decir a posteriori que esta ha sido una excelente idea del Parlamento pues con este programa se puede hacer mucho.