
"haircut" in Spanish

he's unrecognizable with that haircut
está irreconocible con ese corte de pelo
everybody's raving about my new haircut
a todos les ha encantado mi nuevo corte de pelo
they charged him $15 for a haircut
le cobraron 15 dólares por el corte de pelo
You know it's in there somewhere: that photo of you with the bad haircut that you want to erase forever.
Sabe que está en algún lugar: esa foto con un corte de cabello feo que desea borrar para siempre.
Perhaps I do not recognise you because you have a new haircut.
Es posible que no le reconozca porque luce un nuevo peinado.
he's unrecognizable with that haircut
está irreconocible con ese corte de pelo
they charged him $15 for a haircut
le cobraron 15 dólares por el corte de pelo
You know it's in there somewhere: that photo of you with the bad haircut that you want to erase forever.
Sabe que está en algún lugar: esa foto con un corte de cabello feo que desea borrar para siempre.
pelado{m} [Spa.] [coll.] (corte de pelo)

Context examples for "haircut" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Perhaps I do not recognise you because you have a new haircut.
Es posible que no le reconozca porque luce un nuevo peinado.
You know it's in there somewhere: that photo of you with the bad haircut that you want to erase forever.
Sabe que está en algún lugar: esa foto con un corte de cabello feo que desea borrar para siempre.
We need to be realistic: we need a debt haircut, at least in Greece and probably also in Portugal.
Debemos ser realistas: necesitamos un recorte de la deuda, al menos en Grecia y probablemente también en Portugal.
everybody's raving about my new haircut
a todos les ha encantado mi nuevo corte de pelo
I don't need a haircut — yes, you do!
no necesito cortarme el pelo — ¡cómo que no!
that haircut makes your features look harsher
ese corte te endurece las facciones
he's unrecognizable with that haircut
está irreconocible con ese corte de pelo
they charged him $15 for a haircut
le cobraron 15 dólares por el corte de pelo
that haircut really suits him
le achuntó medio a medio con ese corte de pelo
that haircut takes years off him
ese corte de pelo le quita años de encima
Secondly, I think bondholders will have to pay a price - if not a haircut then, at the very least, they deserve a bit of a shave.
En segundo lugar, creo que los titulares de bonos deben pagar un precio; si no ya un corte de pelo, al menos una afeitada.
you badly need a haircut
te hace mucha falta cortarte el pelo
However, unless the front cannot be widened, the EU efforts will be like taking a few drops out of the ocean or having a haircut to lose weight.
No obstante, si no se amplia el frente, los esfuerzos de la UE serán como sacar unas gotas de agua del océano o cortarse el pelo para perder peso.
In parallel, we will introduce, as of January 2011, a graded haircut schedule, which will continue to adequately protect the Eurosystem.
Paralelamente, introduciremos, a partir de enero de 2011, un plan de recorte gradual en la valoración, que seguirá protegiendo adecuadamente al Eurosistema.