
"gallineta" in English

"gallineta" in English

Context examples for "gallineta" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Comenzó a pescar gallineta en noviembre y diciembre de 1995, antes no.
It began to fish scorpion fish - gallineta in Spanish - in November and December of 1995, no earlier.
La pesca incontrolada ha tenido ya desastrosas repercusiones en especial para el bacalao y la gallineta, dos fuentes de alimentos altamente apreciadas.
The consequences of uncontrolled fishing have already been disastrous, particularly for cod and redfish, two highly valued sources of food.
Por lo que se refiere a la gallineta, puedo recordarle, Señoría, que la flota española nunca ha pescado esa especie, que correspondía a la pesca libre.
As far as the gallineta is concerned, I can inform the honourable Member that that type of fish, which could be fished freely, has never been fished by the Spanish fleet.
Y he criticado que acepte de entrada, al empezar la negociación, una reducción de cuotas del 20 % respecto de la gallineta.
I referred to a Spanish minister, criticizing the fact that she accepted a 20 % reduction of the scorpion fish quota at the start of the negotiations.