
"fraterno" in English

"fraterno" in English
de amor fraterno y de unidad, evitando todas aquellas discordias internas que pueden causar estupor y escándalo entre los fieles.
chastity communities become signs of brotherly love and unity.
Pero si los Estados candidatos persistieran en sus intenciones, limitaríamos nuestras reservas a esta advertencia fraterna.
If, however, the candidate countries were to persist in their intended course, we would confine our reservations to this brotherly warning.
¿Quién podrá explicar la gran caridad, paciencia, obediencia y alegría fraterna que reinaba entonces entre los hermanos?
Who can explain how great was the charity among the brothers at this time, and the patience, humility, obedience, and brotherly cheerfulness?.
fraternal{adj.} (of brothers)
adecuado para afrontar un intercambio fraterno que pueda resolver el contencioso
instrument for embarking upon a fraternal exchange which aims at settling the
Como d costumbre, también hubo tiempo para el diálogo fraterno y la recreación con toda la fraternidad.
As usual, there was also time for a fraternal dialogue and recreation with the whole fraternity.
Conforta realmente el sentir fraterno de Uds.
Really comforting to feel your fraternal concern.

Context examples for "fraterno" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
fraterno, la profundización doctrinal, el encuentro de los varios
doctrinal deepening, the encounter of different charisms, the exchange of
Sólo el diálogo fraterno entre todos dará vigor a los
dialogue with everyone will give new life to the plans for future reform desired
Ella está llamada a traducir en obras e iniciativas concretas el mandamiento del amor fraterno y el
in America. She is called to translate into action and concrete initiatives the
El primer día del Capítulo se dedicó a las Relaciones del Consejo saliente, a la condivisión y al diálogo fraterno sobre la vida y misión de la OFS en Malta.
The first day of the Chapter was dedicated to listening to the speeches of the outgoing Council as well as sharing and dialoguing on the life and mission of the SFO in Malta.