
"existencial" in English

"existencial" in English
existencial{adjective masculine}
existencial{adjective masculine}
manera sistemática y existencial, los aspectos principales de la vocación,
existential and practical way the principal aspects of the catechists' vocation,
Para superar lo que ya es también una crisis existencial, nos tenemos que atrever primero a preguntar.
In order to get through what is also an existential crisis, we first have to dare to question.
Europa no lo está haciendo en la actualidad, este es el desafío existencial que debemos aceptar.
Europe does not do this at the moment, this is the existential challenge that we must accept.

Context examples for "existencial" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es una agricultura que en último término destruye su propia base existencial.
This is an agriculture which ultimately destroys its own basis for existence.
Más defensa hacia fuera significa, ni más ni menos, hacer frente a una necesidad existencial.
More Europe externally means no more and no less than confronting an essential need.
Este pesimismo existencial ha llevado a nuestra población a albergar temores nada fútiles.
This enormous pessimism has led our populations to express perfectly understandable fears.
tránsito, de la pascua existencial, cuando Cristo, gracias a su
passage, our own personal Easter experience, when Christ, by virtue of his
Es a nivel existencial donde uno es interpelado, en confrontación con la experiencia de la vida de Jesús.
It is in our own life that we are questioned and compared to the life that Jesus had experienced.
A mi entender, la primera vocación de la Unión Europea es, precisamente, oponerse a este peligro existencial.
I believe that the European Union's primary duty is, in fact, to combat this very real danger.
· La declaración de asistencia existencial debe quedar comprendida en el ámbito de competencias de los Estados miembros.
· The statement on the provision of social care is the responsibility of the Member States.
Los políticos tienen la responsabilidad de proteger al público contra este peligro existencial y sin precedentes.
Politicians have a responsibility to protect the public against this unprecedented and existentialist danger.
Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, señor Alto Representante, aquí se trata de la lucha existencial de dos pueblos.
Mr President, Commissioner, Mr Solana, we are dealing here with a struggle for existence between two peoples.
Quiero indicar también que la retirada del permiso de conducir representa para muchas personas un problema existencial.
I would also like to comment that disqualification from driving is a threat to the livelihood of many people.
Depende exclusivamente de él que su país no siga siendo destruido y que no se ponga en peligro la base existencial de los habitantes de su país.
It is up to him and him alone to ensure that his country is not destroyed even further and that the lives of the people of his country are not put at risk.
En el acceso a la formación y a la hora de crear una base existencial las mujeres lo tienen el doble de difícil y raramente ocupan puestos en órganos decisorios.
Women find it doubly difficult to gain access to training and to establish a livelihood, and they are seldom appointed to decision-making posts.
La familia también constituye un punto central de la realidad existencial de los jóvenes europeos.
The family, too, is a focal point in life as it is really lived by Europe's young people, something of which the White Paper and the report take insufficient account.
Todo el mundo comprenderá que esta mujer se pregunte si en el futuro los alquileres y alimentos van a encarecerse pues se trata de una cuestión existencial para ella.
So anyone will understand that woman wondering whether rents and food prices are going to go up in the fairly near future, because her very existence is at stake here.
– Señor Presidente, el debate sobre una Europa ampliada y su política de vecindad está inextricablemente ligado a la cuestión existencial de las fronteras de la Unión Europea.
In addition, the new Member States will also have a contribution of major importance to make to the forming of the Union's relations with its neighbours to the east.
Existe hoy un pesimismo existencial en todas nuestras poblaciones muy visible en los debates que se están celebrando estos días sobre el referéndum en Francia y en los Países Bajos.
The enormous pessimism amongst all our populations has been very visible in the debates that are currently taking place in relation to the referenda in France and in the Netherlands.