
"evangelista" in English

gospel{noun} (in US)
El evangelista Reinhard Bonnke llegó a ser conocido por sus campañas evangelísticas en todo el continente africano.
Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke is known for his Great Gospel Crusades throughout the continent of Africa.
El evangelista que trata con detalle estos temas en las enseñanzas de Cristo es san Lucas, cuyo evangelio ha merecido ser llamado « el evangelio de la misericordia ».
The Gospel writer who particularly treats of these themes in Christ's teaching is Luke, whose Gospel has earned the title of "the Gospel of mercy."
¡Un amigo evangelista me contó que un pastor se fue en mitad de una de sus campañas evangelísticas para ir a una conferencia sobre evangelismo!
An evangelist friend told me that a pastor even abandoned him in the middle of a gospel campaign to go to a conference on evangelism!
salvationist{noun} (evangelist)
evangelist{noun} [rel.]
Cuando Cristo afirmó -como escribe el evangelista Mateo- que el
When Christ stated - as the Evangelist Matthew writes - that man can remain
Cristo, como se expresa en otro pasaje el mismo evangelista Juan.21
evangelist John says in another passage.21
Fiesta de san Mateo, apóstol y evangelista
Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
revivalist{adj.} (meeting, movement)

Synonyms (Spanish) for "evangelista":
Context examples for "evangelista" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
El evangelista se hace eco de la predicación moral de Cristo,
the other hand, there is no separation or opposition between the
Y el evangelista
And thus, in a certain way,