
"estratega" in English

"estratega" in English
El señor Whitehead, nuestro presidente, ya ha indicado que el señor Zappalà ha sido un buen estratega.
Mr Whitehead, our chairman, has already indicated that Mr Zappalà has been a true strategist.
Lamy, el estratega, quien está aquí.
Along with these certainties, however, there are questions for the Commission; and it is good that it should be Mr Lamy, the strategist, who is here.
La nueva no participación de este Estado debería impulsar a los estrategas de la UE a reconsiderar su política al respecto.
The fact that this state has again failed to participate should give EU strategists cause to rethink their policy on this matter.

Context examples for "estratega" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señora Presidenta, hoy debatimos una estratega europea para la minoría romaní, que constituye un paso importante para la integración de la minoría más grande de la Unión Europea.
Madam President, today, we are discussing a European strategy for the Roma minority, which is an important step towards integrating the largest minority in the European Union.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con las propuestas avanzadas en este informe que pretenden su inclusión en la política de cohesión a fin de conseguir los objetivos fijados en la estratega Europa 2020.
I am completely in favour of the proposals put forward in this report, seeking inclusion in the cohesion policy in order to pursue the objectives set out for the 2020 strategy.