
"estomacal" in English

"estomacal" in English
estomacal{adjective masculine/feminine}
estomacal{adjective masculine/feminine}
No sé si su desaparición se debe a un trastorno estomacal o a algún desajuste en el aire acondicionado.
I do not know whether their disappearance is due to a stomach upset or a problem with the air conditioning.
Los perros que beben de esta agua mueren, y los niños que se bañan en ella vomitan y sufren malestar estomacal.
If dogs drink the water they die, and if children bathe in it they vomit and suffer an upset stomach.
Mendelson informó que durante la anestesia general, había un riesgo aumentado de que el contenido estomacal ingrese a los pulmones.
Mendelson reported that during general anaesthesia, there was an increased risk of the stomach contents entering the lungs.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "estomacal":
Context examples for "estomacal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
no hay nada como la leche para la acidez estomacal
there's nothing to touch milk as a cure for heartburn
Los efectos secundarios incluyeron principalmente malestar estomacal y otros dolores articulares.
People who took the Rotta brand of glucosamine rated their pain 3 points lower than people who did not take glucosamine.
El malestar estomacal es una experiencia muy común.
Whether you're anxious about the stock market, nervous about a job interview, or fretting over finances, digestive discomfort is an all too common experience.