
"DJ" in English

"DJ" in English
"DJ" in Spanish
DJ{noun} (disc jockey)
Me dijo la misma historia que Sarah, pero agrego que Dave y sus amigos querían ir al cuarto de VIP para hablar con el muchacho del DJ en el segundo piso.
He told me the same story as Sarah, but he added that Dave and his friends wanted to go to the VIP room to talk to the DJ on the second floor.
He told me the same story as Sarah, but he added that Dave and his friends wanted to go to the VIP room to talk to the DJ on the second floor.
Me dijo la misma historia que Sarah, pero agrego que Dave y sus amigos querían ir al cuarto de VIP para hablar con el muchacho del DJ en el segundo piso.
pinchadiscos{m} [Spa.] [coll.]
He is a DJ.
Es pinchadiscos.

Synonyms (English) for "DJ":
Context examples for "DJ" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Son las tribus tecno y house music en busca de nuevos rituales en los que surgen unos líderes de extraño carisma nocturno a los que llaman DJ.
There are techno and house-music tribes looking for new rituals led by strangely charismatic nocturnal animals known as DJs.
Si la France et l'Irlande ne s'acquittent pas de leurs obligations lgales, la Commission peut saisir la Cour de justice de l'UE et, dj ce stade, demander la Cour d'imposer des sanctions pcuniaires.
If France and Ireland fail to comply with their legal obligation, the Commission may refer the cases to the EU Court of Justice and may ask the Court to impose financial sanctions at this stage.