
"disparaging" in Spanish

"disparaging" in Spanish
to disparage{transitive verb}
despectivo{adj. m}
Rather than your disparaging remarks about the Irish looking for help, do you not accept that by helping Ireland, is the European Union helping herself?
En lugar de sus comentarios despectivos sobre los irlandeses solicitando ayuda, ¿no admite usted que, al ayudar a Irlanda, la Unión Europea se está ayudando a sí misma?
In addition, policy makers are constantly making disparaging remarks about the media.
Además, los responsables políticos realizan constantemente comentarios desdeñosos sobre los medios de comunicación.
She has stood firm against all the verbal attacks and disparaging personal remarks made by the Chinese.
Se ha mantenido firme frente a los ataques verbales y los desdeñosos comentarios personales que han hecho los chinos.
I would have liked to see at least Mr Michel Barnier and Mr Chris Patten here, without in any way meaning to disparage Mrs Michaele Schreyer's expertise.
Chris Patten aquí, sin por ello menospreciar la pericia de la Sra. Michaele Schreyer.

Synonyms (English) for "disparaging":
Context examples for "disparaging" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Both reports are disparaging about those other responsibilities.
En ambos informes se mencionan estas otras responsabilidades de forma negativa.
People who criticise your party are not disparaging Austria as a whole.
Una crítica a su partido no significa una denigración de Austria.
This is an arrogant and disparaging way to treat the customs and practices of other countries.
Esto es arrogante frente a las costumbres y usos de otros países.
I am referring, in this case, to the French legislation and its disparaging concept, sectaire, for this is no edifying concept.
Me refiero en este caso a la legislación francesa, que contiene el denigrante término sectaire.
All too often our Parliament, or certain of its Members, have been the focus of malicious rumours, of disparaging and insidious campaigns by the press.
Demasiadas veces nuestro Parlamento, o algunos de nosotros, ha sido el centro de insinuaciones malévolas, de campañas de prensa denigratorias e insidiosas.