
"despótica" in English

"despótica" in English
despótica{adjective feminine}

Context examples for "despótica" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Bruselas no hace sino confundir cada vez más a la gente y parece una burocracia disparatada que actúa de manera despótica.
Brussels is annoying the public more and more and seems to be a mad bureaucracy which acts despotically.
Y eso es conducta despótica.
And that is despotic behaviour.
La decisión despótica de los Estados Unidos de ignorar a las Naciones Unidas ha resultado ser un cálculo erróneo que tendrá que pagar la economía, como ya estamos viendo.
The United States’ high-handed decision to override the UN has proven a miscalculation for which the national economy is having to pay, as we are now seeing.
No obstante, estoy convencido de que permite esta actitud despótica precisamente porque de hecho no es una cuestión de intentar aclarar el tema de las dietas de secretariado.
I am, however, convinced that you allow this despotic approach precisely because in fact it was not a matter of seeking clarification on the question of the secretarial assistance allowance.