
"despenalizar" in English

"despenalizar" in English
despenalizar{transitive verb}
Debemos tener el valor de decir que es preciso reglamentar, y no solamente despenalizar el uso de las drogas.
We must have the courage to say that we must control, and not simply decriminalize drug use.
despenalizar el uso de una droga
to legalize a drug

Context examples for "despenalizar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ahora se dispone a despenalizar los delitos ambientales con carácter general.
It is preparing to decriminalise environmental offences across the board.
Debemos tener el valor de decir que es preciso reglamentar, y no solamente despenalizar el uso de las drogas.
We must have the courage to say that we must control, and not simply decriminalize drug use.
Estoy de acuerdo con él y con el señor Comisario respecto a la necesidad de despenalizar a los pescadores honestos.
I agree with him and I agree with the Commissioner on the need to decriminalise honest fishermen.
Ayer, en Portugal, el pueblo portugués voto en referendo a favor de despenalizar la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo.
Yesterday in Portugal, the Portuguese people voted in a referendum to decriminalise the voluntary termination of pregnancy.
En particular, me parece difícil intentar despenalizar la ayuda a la inmigración clandestina para unos grupos sí y otros no.
In particular, it seems to me difficult to try to decriminalise the facilitation of illegal immigration for some groups rather than others.
despenalizar el uso de una droga
to legalize a drug
Me refiero a un tema que ya se ha tocado: creo que la postura que ha adoptado el Vaticano contra la propuesta de despenalizar la homosexualidad es vergonzosa e inaceptable.
I refer to a subject that has already been touched on: I find the position taken by the Vatican State against the proposal to decriminalise homosexuality shameful and unacceptable.