
"deposer" in Spanish

to depose[deposed · deposed] {transitive verb}
Within this dictatorship, there is a continuing battle, whereby leaders are deposed and even imprisoned.
En el seno de ese régimen dictatorial se libra una batalla constante que lleva a deponer e incluso a encarcelar a dirigentes políticos.
They deposed the democratically elected President Kabbah and forced him to flee the country.
Han depuesto al Presidente Kabbah, elegido democráticamente, y le han obligado a huir.
The negotiators of the deposed President Zelaya did not establish, however, who should head the government of unity.
Sucede que los negociadores del depuesto presidente Zelaya no fijaron ni quién debería presidir el gobierno de unidad.
Within this dictatorship, there is a continuing battle, whereby leaders are deposed and even imprisoned.
En el seno de ese régimen dictatorial se libra una batalla constante que lleva a deponer e incluso a encarcelar a dirigentes políticos.
They deposed the democratically elected President Kabbah and forced him to flee the country.
Han depuesto al Presidente Kabbah, elegido democráticamente, y le han obligado a huir.
The negotiators of the deposed President Zelaya did not establish, however, who should head the government of unity.
Sucede que los negociadores del depuesto presidente Zelaya no fijaron ni quién debería presidir el gobierno de unidad.