
"departer" in Spanish

"departer" in Spanish
to depart{intransitive verb}
to depart[departed · departed] {intransitive verb}
Certain parts of the report depart from the outcome of the Convention.
Algunas partes del informe se alejan del resultado de la Convención.
Research teams depart from Dutch Harbor, Alaska, aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy.
Los equipos de investigación partirán del puerto holandés, Alaska, a bordo del navío U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy.
We could not get out of Brussels at all; we had to go back, and in the end departed from Charleroi the next day.
No pudimos salir de Bruselas, tuvimos que regresar y partir desde Charleroi al día siguiente.
We could not get out of Brussels at all; we had to go back, and in the end departed from Charleroi the next day.
No pudimos salir de Bruselas, tuvimos que regresar y partir desde Charleroi al día siguiente.
Before I conclude my speech, I should like to depart from our agenda if I may.
Antes de poner punto final a mi intervención, me van a permitir que me salga un poco del orden del día.
Reporting formalities for ships arriving in or departing from ports (
Formalidades informativas exigibles a los buques a su llegada o salida de los puertos (