
"ciruela" in English

"ciruela" in English
(PL) Señor Presidente, ¿aceptarían los franceses que el champaña se elaborara con ciruelas?
(PL) Mr President, would the French agree to Champagne made from plums?
Les aseguro que no se pueden comparar con el destilado de ciruelas del slivovice; si alguien lo duda, le invito a que vaya a mi país y lo pruebe.
Trust me, that cannot be compared to plums distilled in slivovice, and if anyone is unsure about that, I would ask them to come to my country and try some.
Es verdad, pero yo quisiera responderle con la misma simplicidad, que si la tarta está hecha con ciruelas, ya no se trata de una tarta de fresas, sino de una tarta de ciruelas.
This is true, but I would reply, and with as much simplicity, that if you make a plum pie, it is not a strawberry pie, it is a plum pie.

Context examples for "ciruela" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El extracto del árbol de la ciruela africana, Pygeum africanum, es uno de los varios agentes fitoterapéuticos disponibles para el tratamiento de la HBP.
Information on patients, interventions, and outcomes were extracted by at least two independent reviewers using a standard form.