
"charismatic" in Spanish

"charismatic" in Spanish
carismática{adj. f}
This is a fundamental requirement for our charismatic and missionary fruitfulness.
Se trata de una exigencia fundamental para nuestra fecundidad carismática y misionera.
n. 12) is eminently compatible with the charismatic nature of the religious
perfectamente con la naturaleza carismática de la vida religiosa (cfr. n.
The specific charismatic note of any institute demands, both of the Founder
La caracterización carismática propia de cada Instituto
carismático{adj. m}
They have been advocated in a particularly charismatic manner by Pope John Paul II.
Esos principios han encontrado en el Papa Juan Pablo II un defensor particularmente carismático.
This is a fundamental requirement for our charismatic and missionary fruitfulness.
Se trata de una exigencia fundamental para nuestra fecundidad carismática y misionera.
n. 12) is eminently compatible with the charismatic nature of the religious
perfectamente con la naturaleza carismática de la vida religiosa (cfr. n.

Synonyms (English) for "charismatic":
Context examples for "charismatic" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They have been advocated in a particularly charismatic manner by Pope John Paul II.
Gracias a ellos pudieron romperse las cadenas del totalitarismo comunista, empezando por Polonia.
charismatic aspects are essential to each other and come together to be
Iglesia y contribuyen ambos a su renovación, en modo diferente pero
constantly renewed by sacramental, hierarchical and charismatic gifts
y contínuamente renovada por los dones sacramentales, jerárquicos
communion, in service and in the outpouring of the diverse hierarchical and charismatic gifts.(23)
servicio y la provee de diversos dones jerárquicos y carismáticos.(23)
There are techno and house-music tribes looking for new rituals led by strangely charismatic nocturnal animals known as DJs.
Son las tribus tecno y house music en busca de nuevos rituales en los que surgen unos líderes de extraño carisma nocturno a los que llaman DJ.
Josè Carballo addresses words of welcome to all the participants while he hopes that these days will be days of sharing and exchanging experiences, of reflection on charismatic identity and prayer.
José Rodríguez Carballo, da la bienvenida a todos los participantes a este Congreso que fue querido y pedido por todas las Hermanas del mundo entero.
Between both there is an effective unity since the Holy Spirit makes the Church one in communion, in service and in the outpouring of the diverse hierarchical and charismatic gifts.(23)
Entre ellos se tiene una eficaz unidad porque el Espíritu Santo unifica la Iglesia en la comunión y en el servicio y la provee de diversos dones jerárquicos y carismáticos.(23)