
"celosa" in English

"celosa" in English
celosa{adjective feminine}
celosa{adjective feminine}
se te ha metido en la cabeza que es celosa
you've just got it fixed in your mind that she's jealous
no te preocupes por ella, lo que pasa es que está celosa
don't worry about her, she's just jealous
lo hace para que te pongas celosa
he does it to make you jealous

Context examples for "celosa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
depositum fidei, conservado por la Iglesia con celosa fidelidad.
fidei, safeguarded by the Church with passionate fidelity.
se te ha metido en la cabeza que es celosa
you've just got it fixed in your mind that she's jealous
no te preocupes por ella, lo que pasa es que está celosa
don't worry about her, she's just jealous
Es natural que los productores de los países de origen tradicionales defiendan celosa y cuidadosamente estas definiciones.
It is only natural that manufacturers from traditional countries of origin jealously and carefully guard these definitions.
Lamentablemente, lo que nos encontramos con demasiada frecuencia es una dispersión de las competencias que incluso hoy es objeto de una celosa defensa.
Sadly, what we still find too often is a dissipation of powers, which are still jealously guarded today.
lo hace para que te pongas celosa
he does it to make you jealous
La celosa transmisión del patrimonio de la fe exige atención y métodos adecuados a las diferentes edades, sin descuidar a nadie: niños y jóvenes, familias y ancianos.
To transmit zealously the patrimony of the faith demands care and methods adapted to the various age groups, without neglecting anyone: from children to young people, from families to the elderly.