
"cartoonist" in Spanish

On the same day, the cartoonist Chawki Amari was imprisoned, his newspaper 'La Tribune' was banned and his management was placed under legal restrictions.
Ese mismo día, el caricaturista, Chawki Amari fue encarcelado, su periódico «La Tribune» prohibido y sus responsables puestos bajo control judicial.
Cartoonists, journalists and citizens should be able to speak their minds freely even if that means insulting some people.
Los caricaturistas, periodistas y ciudadanos deberían poder expresar libremente sus ideas, incluso si con ello insultan a otras personas.
On the same day, the cartoonist Chawki Amari was imprisoned, his newspaper 'La Tribune ' was banned and his management was placed under legal restrictions.
Ese mismo día, el caricaturista, Chawki Amari fue encarcelado, su periódico« La Tribune» prohibido y sus responsables puestos bajo control judicial.