
"bocadillo" in English

"bocadillo" in English
balloon{noun} (comics)
Señor Presidente, quisiera preguntar a los representantes del Consejo y de la Comisión por qué creen que tenemos que abordar este tema utilizando bocadillos.
Mr President, I would like to ask the representatives of the Council and the Commission why they believe that they have to address this subject using speech bubbles.
sandwich{noun} [gastro.]
aquí tienes $5: cómprate un bocadillo o algo
here's $5: buy yourself a sandwich or whatever
Esta mañana, me he comido un bocadillo bueno para la flora intestinal, cuya mantequilla reduce el nivel de colesterol; también he comido un huevo que contiene Omega 3.
This morning, I had a sandwich that is good for my intestinal flora, the butter in which reduces my cholesterol level; I also had an egg that is high in Omega 3.
Las especialidades de la cocina danesa comprenden los bocadillos abiertos conocidos como smørrebrød, las patatas hervidas o caramelizadas, la col roja cocida y los asados de cerdo y de pato.
Specialities of Danish cooking include smørrebrød (open sandwiches), boiled or sugar browned potatoes, boiled red cabbage, roast pork and roast duck.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "bocadillo":
Context examples for "bocadillo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En un bocadillo solamente hay 1, 5 peniques de trigo y el panecillo cuesta 70 peniques.
After all, there is 1.5 pfennigs ' worth of wheat in a bread roll, and a bread roll costs 70 pfennigs.
¿Qué motivos hay para curarnos las infecciones abdominales con un bocadillo de queso?
Why should we be treated for inflammation of the internal female sexual organs through bread and cheese?
Piet sabía valorar una comida compuesta por un simple bocadillo de queso y un vaso de leche.
From time to time, Piet was able to appreciate a meal consisting of a little more than a cheese roll and a mug of buttermilk.
aquí tienes $5: cómprate un bocadillo o algo
here's $5: buy yourself a sandwich or whatever
De una manera un tanto exagerada, podría decirse que los productores y los consumidores europeos están esperando mientras nosotros, al final del proceso, nos peleamos por un bocadillo de jamón.
Every day that passes without clear ground rules, more and more small and medium-sized companies are in danger of being forced to shut down.
De una manera un tanto exagerada, podría decirse que los productores y los consumidores europeos están esperando mientras nosotros, al final del proceso, nos peleamos por un bocadillo de jamón.
To be blunt, I could say that Europe's producers, and consumers too, are standing and stamping their feet while we here, at the very last stages, are engaging in trivial disputes.