
"bestseller" in English

"bestseller" in English
bestseller{noun} (book)
creo que estamos frente a un posible bestseller
I think we may have a bestseller on our hands
este es un bestseller en potencia
this is bestseller material
Este bestseller anual se está publicando de nuevo, y sería un error que el Parlamento no organizara un debate en sesión plenaria sobre este asunto, dado que la prensa lo sabe ya.
This yearly best-seller is once more making its appearance, and it would be wrong if Parliament did not organise a plenary session debate on the subject, as the press already know about it.
I think we may have a bestseller on our hands
creo que estamos frente a un posible bestseller
this is bestseller material
este es un bestseller en potencia
This yearly best-seller is once more making its appearance, and it would be wrong if Parliament did not organise a plenary session debate on the subject, as the press already know about it.
Este bestseller anual se está publicando de nuevo, y sería un error que el Parlamento no organizara un debate en sesión plenaria sobre este asunto, dado que la prensa lo sabe ya.
superventas{} [lit.]
Browse through some of our bestsellers:
Conozca algunos de nuestros superventas:

Synonyms (English) for "bestseller":
Context examples for "bestseller" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
creo que estamos frente a un posible bestseller
I think we may have a bestseller on our hands
este es un bestseller en potencia
this is bestseller material
Este bestseller anual se está publicando de nuevo, y sería un error que el Parlamento no organizara un debate en sesión plenaria sobre este asunto, dado que la prensa lo sabe ya.
This yearly best-seller is once more making its appearance, and it would be wrong if Parliament did not organise a plenary session debate on the subject, as the press already know about it.