
"behavior" in Spanish

his behavior throughout was irreproachable
su conducta nunca dejó de ser intachable
two months' remission for good behavior
dos meses de remisión de pena por buena conducta
he was expelled from the school for bad behavior
lo expulsaron de la escuela por mala conducta
articulate behavior which is at the beginning of the truth, should not be
comportamiento armónico y articulado, que está al inicio de la
Their presence also helps deter inappropriate behavior by visitors.
Su presencia también ayuda a determinar el comportamiento inapropiado de los visitantes.
Early care and education teachers share ideas for promoting positive behavior
Los maestros de cuidado y educación temprana comparten ideas para promover un comportamiento positivo
comportamiento{m} [chem.]
articulate behavior which is at the beginning of the truth, should not be
comportamiento armónico y articulado, que está al inicio de la
Their presence also helps deter inappropriate behavior by visitors.
Su presencia también ayuda a determinar el comportamiento inapropiado de los visitantes.
Early care and education teachers share ideas for promoting positive behavior
Los maestros de cuidado y educación temprana comparten ideas para promover un comportamiento positivo
proceder{m} [form.]

Synonyms (English) for "behavior":
Context examples for "behavior" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
To avoid this type of deletion behavior, please manually configure your iPhone.
Para evitar este tipo de eliminación, configura manualmente tu iPhone.
she spared his blushes and didn't mention his behavior the previous night
le ahorró un bochorno al no mencionar su comportamiento de la noche anterior
To avoid this type of deletion behavior, please manually configure your iPhone.
Para evitar que se produzcan eliminaciones de este tipo, configura tu iPhone de forma manual.
You can reverse this behavior by turning off the 'Archive Messages' feature in Settings.
Para ello, desactiva la función "Archivar mensajes" en la configuración.
education is the source of attitudes towards behavior and values, the defining
por la sociedad, pues a través de la educación se generan
Please exercise caution when deleting messages, as this behavior is markedly different from POP access.
Pon atención al suprimir los mensajes, ya que esta opción no funciona igual que en el acceso POP.
With the Alignment check box you can influence the alignment behavior.
Con la casilla de verificación Alineación activada se configura el modo en que se ubica el texto dentro de la celda.
she said she was not answerable for his behavior
dijo que ella no era responsable de lo que él hiciera
This is used to toggle the " floating " behavior.
Su función es la de cambiar el " estado flotante ".
her behavior has set tongues wagging in the village
su comportamiento ha dado que hablar en el pueblo
his behavior is not in keeping with his principles
su comportamiento no concuerda con sus principios
I'll have to speak to her about her behavior
tendré que llamarle la atención sobre su comportamiento
I am not prepared to tolerate this disgraceful behavior
no estoy dispuesto a tolerar estos desmanes
I'll have to speak to her about her behavior
tendré que hablar con ella acerca de su comportamiento
she will have to work hard and be on her best behavior
deberá trabajar mucho y hacer merecimientos
he leveled bitter criticism against her for her behavior
vertió ácidas críticas sobre su conducta
he apologized to me for his behavior last night
me pidió perdón por su comportamiento de anoche
inappropriate behavior for an educated person
un comportamiento impropio de una persona educada
her behavior is always characterized by honesty
en su comportamiento priva siempre la honradez
he was expelled from the school for bad behavior
lo expulsaron de la escuela por mala conducta