
"beagle" in English

"beagle" in English
"beagle" in Spanish
beagle{noun} [zool.]
Esto se ha conseguido utilizando tecnología europea, aunque, tristemente, Beagle no ha logrado el mismo éxito.
This was achieved using European technology, even though, sadly, Beagle has not managed similar success.
Cerré los ojos un momento y vi a los Beagle Boys andando por los pasillos del Parlamento Europeo y entonces tuve una idea luminosa.
I closed my eyes for a moment and saw the Beagle Boys walking along the European Parliament's corridors, and then I had a brainwave.
Video - Darwin, el viaje de un naturalista alrededor del mundo - CNRS (Centro Nacional de Investigación Científica) Suba a bordo del Beagle y reviva el viaje de Charles Darwin.
Video - Darwin, a naturalist's voyage around the world - CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) Climb aboard the Beagle and relive Charles Darwin's odyssey.
beagle{m} [zool.]
This was achieved using European technology, even though, sadly, Beagle has not managed similar success.
Esto se ha conseguido utilizando tecnología europea, aunque, tristemente, Beagle no ha logrado el mismo éxito.
I closed my eyes for a moment and saw the Beagle Boys walking along the European Parliament's corridors, and then I had a brainwave.
Cerré los ojos un momento y vi a los Beagle Boys andando por los pasillos del Parlamento Europeo y entonces tuve una idea luminosa.
Video - Darwin, a naturalist's voyage around the world - CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) Climb aboard the Beagle and relive Charles Darwin's odyssey.
Video - Darwin, el viaje de un naturalista alrededor del mundo - CNRS (Centro Nacional de Investigación Científica) Suba a bordo del Beagle y reviva el viaje de Charles Darwin.