
"antinuclear" in English

"antinuclear" in English
antinuclear{adjective masculine/feminine}
"antinuclear" in Spanish
antinuclear{adjective masculine/feminine}
También ilustra claramente el prejuicio antinuclear de esta Cámara.
It also illustrates clearly the antinuclear prejudice of part of this House.
No se trata de un comentario antinuclear, sino de un comentario a favor del juego limpio.
That is not an anti-nuclear remark, that is a pro-fair play remark.
Las fuerzas políticas que lo respaldan tratan de presentarlo como un "poder antinuclear".
The political forces which support it are trying to present it as an 'anti-nuclear power'.
antinuclear{adj. m/f}
It also illustrates clearly the antinuclear prejudice of part of this House.
También ilustra claramente el prejuicio antinuclear de esta Cámara.
That is not an anti-nuclear remark, that is a pro-fair play remark.
No se trata de un comentario antinuclear, sino de un comentario a favor del juego limpio.
The political forces which support it are trying to present it as an 'anti-nuclear power'.
Las fuerzas políticas que lo respaldan tratan de presentarlo como un "poder antinuclear".

Synonyms (Spanish) for "antinuclear":
Context examples for "antinuclear" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Las fuerzas políticas que lo respaldan tratan de presentarlo como un "poder antinuclear".
The political forces which support it are trying to present it as an 'anti-nuclear power'.
Da la casualidad de que pertenezco a un partido antinuclear; soy presidenta del mismo en Escocia.
I happen to belong to an anti-nuclear party, I am President of it in Scotland.
No se trata de un comentario antinuclear, sino de un comentario a favor del juego limpio.
That is not an anti-nuclear remark, that is a pro-fair play remark.
No pudo estar presente porque fue detenida en el transcurso de una manifestación antinuclear en Glasgow ayer por la mañana.
She could not be here because she was arrested yesterday morning during an anti-nuclear demonstration in Glasgow.
Dicho sea de paso que vengo de un partido de perspectiva antinuclear y apoyo lo expresado por mi colega hace algunos minutos.
Incidentally, I come here from a party which is non-nuclear in its outlook and I support the comments of our colleague a few minutes ago.
Bloch von Blottnitz era una destacada personalidad del Partido de los Verdes alemanes, una militante apasionada del movimiento antinuclear.
Mrs Bloch von Blottnitz was one of the great characters of the German Green Party and a fervent supporter of the anti-nuclear campaign.
Bloch von Blottnitz era una destacada personalidad del Partido de los Verdes alemanes, una militante apasionada del movimiento antinuclear.
Mrs Bloch von Blottnitz was one of the great characters of the German Green Party and a fervent supporter of the anti-nuclear campaign.
Por ello apoyo una resolución que ha sido elaborada por el delegado antinuclear de mi región de origen, Alta Austria, en la que se pide que la UE imponga un gravamen a la energía nuclear.
I therefore support a resolution that has been drawn up by the anti-nuclear power delegate of my home region of Upper Austria, which calls on the EU to introduce a levy on nuclear power.