
"adictas" in English

"adictas" in English
adictas{adjective feminine plural}
adictas{adjective feminine plural}
Asimismo, es probable que aumente el número de personas adictas al juego, ya que para muchos, jugar en Internet es muy fácil.
Also, the number of people addicted to gambling is likely to rise, as for many, online gambling is very convenient.
Solo en Alemania, 200 000 personas se han clasificado oficialmente como adictas al juego, y la gente joven tiende cada vez más a caer presa de esta adicción.
In Germany alone, 200 000 people have been officially categorised as addicted to gambling, and young people are increasingly falling prey to this addiction.
Entre 40 y 50 millones de personas en todo el mundo son adictas a drogas ilegales.
Forty to fifty million people worldwide are addicted to illegal drugs - the fate of any one individual is awful enough to demand action.
En los últimos cinco años, la Comisión se ha hecho fatalmente adicta al cambio constitucional.
For the past five years the Commission has become fatally addicted to constitutional change.
En la UE nuestra economía es adicta, posee una adicción que alimenta con petróleo y gas importado.
In the European Union, our economy is addicted, and this addiction is fuelled by imported oil and gas.
Ésa es la verdad y por el bien de la democracia, es hora de que esta Cámara se habla de una izquierda italiana que es antidemocrática y adicta a la cultura del odio.
That is the truth, and in the interests of democracy, it is time that this House talked about an Italian left that is anti-democratic and addicted to the culture of hatred.

Context examples for "adictas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
-Se considera a las personas adictas como enfermas, o sea que se despenaliza el consumo personal.
We are of the opinion that drug policy is a matter for national governments.-Drug users are regarded as sick or, put another way, personal drug use is decriminalised.
-Se considera a las personas adictas como enfermas, o sea que se despenaliza el consumo personal.
We are of the opinion that drug policy is a matter for national governments. -Drug users are regarded as sick or, put another way, personal drug use is decriminalised.