
"abscess" in Spanish

"abscess" in Spanish
absceso{m} [med.]
The abscess would have been drained immediately.
Se hubiera podido cortar el absceso de raíz.
the abscess has turned into a cyst
se ha producido un enquistamiento del absceso
Surgeons use drains primarily to prevent subhepatic abscess or bile peritonitis from an undrained bile leak.
Los cirujanos utilizan los drenajes principalmente para impedir un absceso subhepático o una peritonitis biliar por una fuga biliar no drenada.
The abscess would have been drained immediately.
Se hubiera podido cortar el absceso de raíz.
the abscess has turned into a cyst
se ha producido un enquistamiento del absceso
Surgeons use drains primarily to prevent subhepatic abscess or bile peritonitis from an undrained bile leak.
Los cirujanos utilizan los drenajes principalmente para impedir un absceso subhepático o una peritonitis biliar por una fuga biliar no drenada.
abscess{noun} [idiom]
postemilla{f} [LAm.]

Context examples for "abscess" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
the abscess has turned into a cyst
se ha producido un enquistamiento del absceso