
Spanish days of the week and months of the year

16 Jul, 2020 Popular Articles
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In this lesson, we will learn how to say the days of the week and months of the year in Spanish.

How to say Spanish days of the week

The fact is that most of the weekdays in Spanish has a big relation with Roman mythology. Most of the names of the days of the week are tied to planetary bodies. Let’ see the table below.

Los días de la semana (The days of the week)

EnglishNamed for
lunesMondayla luna (the Moon)
martesTuesdayMarte (Mars)
miércolesWednesdayMercurio (Mercury)
juevesThursdayJúpiter (Jupiter)
viernesFridayVenus (Venus)
sábadoSaturdaySaturno (Saturn)
domingoSundayDominus (Lord in Latin)


  • Spanish days of the week are not capitalized as in English
  • The days of the week are all masculine. Therefore, you need to use “el” (singular” or “los” (plural)


Hay una fiesta el miércoles - There is a party on Wednesday.

Hay muchas fiestas los Viernes - There are many parties on Fridays.

  • The definite article will mean “on” when used with the days of the week in Spanish.

For example: No tengo clase los lunes - I don’t have class on Mondays

  • In Spanish, days of the week ending in -s don’t change their forms in the plural. Just the article that changes.

el lunes - los lunes

el martes - los martes

el miércoles - los miércoles

el jueves - los jueves

el Viernes - los viernes

el sábado - los sábados

el domingo - los domingos


No tengo clase el lunes. I don’t have class on Monday

¿Qué día es hoy? - What day is today?

Es Viernes - It’s Friday

Hoy es lunes - Today is Monday

No trabajo los martes - I don’t work on Tuesdays

How to say Spanish months of the year

January - enero

February - febrero

March - marzo

April - abril

May – mayo

June - junio

July - julio

August - agosto

September - septiembre

October - octubre

November - noviembre

December - diciembre


  • Just like Spanish days of the week, months of the year are not capitalized
  • The preposition “en” should be used to express “in a certain month.”

For example:

Vamos a México en enero - We are going to Mexico in January

Common words and phrases when talking about days and months in Spanish

Today - hoy

Yesterday - ayer

Tomorrow - mañana

Tonight - esta noche

Last night - anoche

This week - esta semana

Last week - la semana pasada

Next week - la semana que viene

Day before yesterday - anteayer

Day after tomorrow - pasado mañana

The following day - el día siguiente

The day before - la víspera

  • To talk about the first day of the month, use “el primer día” or “el primero.”

For example,

Hoy es lunes, el primer día de mayo / Hoy es lunes, el primero de mayo. - Today is Monday, May 1

  • For all other days of the month, use the cardinal numbers

Check out numbers in Spanish for more information!

Hoy es martes, el veinticinco de marzo - Tuesday, March 25

  • In Spanish, they write the day + month + year instead of month + day + year like in English.

For example,

el 29 de febrero de 1896

February 29, 1896

28.3.97 – 3/28/97

Days of the week and months of the year are basic words in daily Spanish conversation. And learning these words is important.