
"sofá" in English

"sofá" in English
Para desatar toda la potencia de Windows Media Center, conecte el equipo a una TV de alta definición y use un control remoto de Windows Media Center para controlar todas las acciones desde el sofá.
You can unleash the full power of Media Center by connecting your computer to a high-definition TV and using a Media Center remote to control all the action from your couch.
Las negociaciones relativas al SOFA que actualmente están teniendo lugar en Praga son un derecho legítimo de la República Checa.
The SOFA negotiations that are currently taking place in Prague are a legitimate right of the Czech Republic.
levanta el sofá para que pueda volver a colocar la alfombra debajo
lift up the sofa so I can get the carpet back under it
se estaban haciendo arrumacos en el sofá
they were kissing and cuddling on the sofa
sofá(also: canapé)
davenport{noun} [Amer.]

Context examples for "sofá" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
levanta el sofá para que pueda volver a colocar la alfombra debajo
lift up the sofa so I can get the carpet back under it
podemos prepararte una cama en el sofá sin ningún problema
we can easily make up a bed for you on the sofa
se hacían arrumacos sentados en el sofá
they were sitting on the sofa having a cuddle
se estaban haciendo arrumacos en el sofá
they were kissing and cuddling on the sofa
estaba tumbado en el sofá todo despatarrado
he was sprawling all over the sofa
los sillones y el sofá no hacían juego
the armchairs and sofa were a mismatch
me hizo un descuento en el precio del sofá
she gave me a discount on the sofa
se despatarró en el sofá
he sprawled on the sofa with his legs wide apart
estaban amartelados en el sofá
they were kissing and cuddling on the sofa
en un rincón había un sofá enorme
in one corner there was this huge sofa
el sofá ya está un poco gastado
the sofa's already showing signs of wear
sacaron el sofá por la ventana
they got the sofa out through the window
se echó con desidia en el sofá
she flopped lethargically onto the sofa
deja de sobar el sofá
stop putting your dirty hands all over the sofa
Durante este plazo, el vendedor es responsable de cualquier fallo del producto, de modo que en el sofá no deben aparecer defectos si lo usas con normalidad.
It is valid for two years and covers products bought in the EU.
se estiró en el sofá como un gato
she stretched catlike on the sofa
el sofá tiene el tapizado sucio
the upholstery on the sofa is dirty
¿cómo van a entrar el sofá?
how are they going to get the sofa in?
se desplomó en el sofá
she plunked herself down onto the sofa
se arrellanó en el sofá
she settled herself deep in the sofa