
"República de Georgia" in English

"República de Georgia" in English
{proper noun}
{proper noun}
– Señor Presidente, la Federación Rusa desempeña un papel crucial en el futuro de la República de Georgia.
– Mr President, the Russian Federation plays a crucial role in the future of the Republic of Georgia.
Señor Presidente de la República de Georgia, señoras y señores diputados, en nombre del Parlamento Europeo, le doy mi más calurosa bienvenida.
Mr President of the Republic of Georgia, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you most warmly on behalf of the European Parliament.

Similar translations for "República de Georgia" in English
Context examples for "República de Georgia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
– Señor Presidente, la Federación Rusa desempeña un papel crucial en el futuro de la República de Georgia.
– Mr President, the Russian Federation plays a crucial role in the future of the Republic of Georgia.
Es evidente que la Federación Rusa no puede aceptar su pérdida de influencia sobre la República de Georgia.
It is obvious that the Russian Federation cannot accept that it has lost its influence over the Georgian Republic.
Señorías, me gustaría terminar este discurso con una cita del Presidente de la primera República de Georgia, Noe Zhordania.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to end this speech with a quote from the President of the first Georgia Republic, Noe Zhordania.
República de Georgia
Republic of Georgia
En vista de ello, la exigencia de que Rusia respete la soberanía e integridad de la República de Georgia, lamentablemente, carece de autoridad.
Against this background a call to Russia to respect the sovereignty and integrity of the Georgian Republic has no authority, unfortunately.
Señor Presidente de la República de Georgia, señoras y señores diputados, en nombre del Parlamento Europeo, le doy mi más calurosa bienvenida.
Mr President of the Republic of Georgia, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you most warmly on behalf of the European Parliament.
Señor Presidente, el 22 de abril de 1996 se firmó el Acuerdo de Asociación y Cooperación entre la Unión Europea y Georgia en presencia del Presidente de la República de Georgia, Sr.
Mr President, the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Georgia was signed on 22 April 1996, in the presence of the President of Georgia, Mr Shevardnadze.