
"Martín" in English

"Martín" in English
Martín{proper noun}
Martín{proper noun}
Señor Martin, usted continúa alegando que se reclaman dietas abusivamente.
Mr Martin, you continue to allege the unscrupulous claiming of expenses.
Señor Martin, tiene usted toda la razón y este es sin duda el camino adecuado.
MrMartin, you are absolutely correct and this is certainly the right path to take.
The logic of economic reasoning supports the statement made by Mr Martin.

Context examples for "Martín" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Interviene el presidente del Grupo Socialista, Martin Schultz, para explicar la solicitud.
The Chair of the PSE Group, Mr Schulz, has the floor to explain the request.
(PL) Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, señor Martin, permítanme formular la siguiente pregunta.
(PL) Mr President, Commissioner, rapporteur, allow me to pose the following question.
AtrásBiografíaMartin LabrecqueDiseñador de luces (KOOZA, Corteo).
BackBiographyMartin LabrecqueLighting Design (KOOZA, Corteo).
Señor Martin Schulz, sé perfectamente quién está alterando el orden.
May the UK Presidency share the same vision of our common future.
Señor Martin, usted continúa alegando que se reclaman dietas abusivamente.
I know that many colleagues would like to speak on this matter but we do not have time to have a debate.
Por lo que respecta a Hezbolá, para responder a la intervención del señor Martin, creo que es un grupo complejo.
I think that your question goes beyond the rather more precise subject of Hizbollah.
También es un antiguo Ministro de Medio Ambiente quien le responde, señor presidente Martin.
I am also saying this as a former environment minister.
We have chosen the six states not on the basis of where it is easiest to work, but where need is greatest.
Dicho esto, es obvio que este texto es mejor que nada -no Martin, cálmese, no estoy diciendo que quiera rechazarlo-.
Having said that, it is obvious that it is better than nothing.
Y a menos que su nombre sea Martin Schulz, debe utilizar las explicaciones de voto para poder expresar sus opiniones.
Unless your name is Mr Schulz, you have to use the explanations of vote to be able to express your opinions.
AtrásBiografíaGiles MartinMusical Director.
BackBiographyGiles MartinMusical Director.
Martin Schulz ha dicho que el asunto es "empleo, empleo y empleo" -y tiene razón.
We do indeed need to maintain employment, and while many measures remain the competence of the Member States, there are certain things we can do.
Hans-Peter Martin.
Does this not give us an opportunity to check and confirm that we are within the employment legislation?
Puesto que el señor Martin ha indicado que tiene intenciones de plantear este punto otra vez mañana, sugiero que siga dicho procedimiento.
Therefore, I went ahead with the vote, having the unanimous support of the Committee on Budgets.
Gracias, señor diputado Martin por su apreciación, que entiendo está vinculada al análisis pormenorizado que hará usted del texto de la Comisión.
I understand that it is related to the detailed analysis that you will make of the Commission text.
Martin y a mí mismo, así como al Sr. Onesta y al Sr. Wurtz.
People have been listened to, including minorities, and I hope that we can continue that tradition.
Martin no debe denigrar, aunque no encaje en su actual programa ni en el del
The process involved everyone who was entitled to participate, ranging from the national parliaments to the Council, Parliament and the Commission.
(FR) Gracias, señor diputado Martin por su apreciación, que entiendo está vinculada al análisis pormenorizado que hará usted del texto de la Comisión.
I understand that it is related to the detailed analysis that you will make of the Commission text.
Está usted en todo, señor Martin.
You are absolutely on the ball.
Agradezco al señor Martin su pregunta.
Member of the Commission.