
How to express wishes and hopes in Spanish?

21 Jul, 2020 Common Spanish Phrases
How to express wishes and hopes in Spanish?2 votes. 3.25 / 5

One of the most important structures that you have to master in Spanish is to express wishes and hopes. In this lesson, we will show you a list of common verbs used to express a wish or desire and guide on how to use them. Let's find out!

How to express wishes and hopes in Spanish?

Common verbs

  • wish - desear
  • prefer - preferir
  • request - pedir
  • need - necesitar
  • hope, expect - esperar
  • want - querer
  • look for - buscar
  • insist - insistir
  • demand - exigir
  • order - mandar
  • to be grateful - agradecer

See also: Most common Spanish verbs

Note: These above verbs are often used in conjunction with the word "que."


Esperamos que cocines bien - We hope that you cook well

Quiero salir con un hombre que me compre flores - I want to date a guy who buys me flowers

Queremos ir al aeropuerto, por favor - We want to go to the airport, please

Me gustaría reservar una habitación, por favor - I would like to book a room, please

Yo espero que Juan los traiga - I hope that John brings them

There are two more authentic ways to express a wish

  • Subjunctive form preceded by "que" (that)


Quiero que vengas conmigo al cine

Soñamos con que nos toque la lotería

Mi sueño es que nuestros hijos sean felices

  • A noun or infinitive form


Tengo ganas de volver a verte otra vez

Sueño con una vida tranquila

Mi sueño es ser un gran artista

Both forms are similar in meaning. The main difference between these forms lies in grammar structures.

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