
Gender rules in Spanish nouns

20 Jul, 2020 Popular Articles, Spanish for Beginners
Gender rules in Spanish nouns3 votes. 4.83 / 5

The fact is that all Spanish nouns including people, animals, locations, places, feelings, things, etc have gender. This characteristic makes many Spanish learners confused. And mastering Spanish gender can take time. The following tips and gender rules for Spanish nouns will help you recognize, categorize, determine if a noun is feminine or masculine, and produce gender correctly while speaking Spanish.

Gender rules in Spanish nouns

There are some rules to determine if a noun is masculine of feminine

1. Forms of feminine and masculine nouns

Spanish nouns have four forms depending on their gender and numbers: 

  • masculine singular - el
  • masculine plural - los
  • feminine singular - la
  • feminine plural - las


The boy - el niño

The boys - los niños

The house – la casa

The houses – las casas 

The table – la mesa

The tables – las mesas

The thought – el pensamiento

The thoughts – los pensamientos

2. Most Spanish masculine nouns end in “o”


El gato – the male cat

Los perros – the male dogs

El abuelo – the grandfather

Los tíos – the uncles

El oso – the male bear

Though, there are still some exceptions:

  • la foto
  • la mano
  • la moto
  • la libido
  • la radio
  • la polio

3. Most nouns that end in “a” are feminine nouns

When speaking about living creatures, nouns that end in “a” are feminine nouns


la enfermera - the nurse

la rosa - the rose


  • el drama
  • el enigma
  • el esquema
  • el estigma
  • el idioma
  • el morfema
  • el problema
  • el sistema
  • el tema
  • el aroma
  • el axioma
  • el carisma
  • el clima
  • el diagrama
  • el dilema
  • el fantasma
  • el prisma

4. Be careful since you may fall into a trap of gender thinking

Don’t think that everything associated with a male/a female will automatically be masculine/feminine. This only applies for distinct living creatures.


la corbata - the necktie

el maquillaje - the makeup

5. When there is a group of mixed gender, that group is automatically referred to as masculine regardless of the ratio of females to males or males to females.


1 niño + 4 niñas = 5 niños 

1 boy + 4 girls = 5 kids

6. Masculine nouns that end in consonants (non-vowels) have a corresponding feminine form that ends in “a”


el profesor - the male professor

la profesora - the female professor

7. Some nouns that refer to professions have the same form for masculine and feminine


el piloto - the male pilot

la piloto - the female pilot

el atleta - the male athlete 

la atleta - the female athlete

8. Nouns that end in “sión”, “coin”, “dad”, “tud” and “umbre” will always require the feminine article


la exposición - the exhibition

la solicitud - the application

Remember all the rules and familiarize yourself with gender of nouns in Spanish by watching movies or reading newspaper. By this way, you can easily produce gender for nouns accurately when speaking English. Don’t forget to follow our site to enhance your Spanish skills through online lessons.