
Spanish For Beginners

  • How to Learn and Memorize Spanish Words

    Spanish Learning Tips - Here are the fastest ways to learn and memorize Spanish words and expand your vocabulary.

  • Spanish Zodiac Signs

    Spanish vocabulary: Zodiac signs and Horoscopes. What's your zodiac sign? Common words when talking about zodiac signs, dates, elements, and symbols.

  • Spanish vocabulary: Materials

    In this lesson, you will learn common Spanish words for materials, textures, and patterns. By learning these words, you can talk about or describe goods in Spanish.

  • También vs Tampoco in Spanish

    In this lesson, we will talk about the differences between también and tampoco in Spanish. While también is often translated as also or too, tampoco often means neither in English. Learn when and how to use tampoco and también.

  • Spanish Vocabulary: Baby Room

    Spanish vocabulary: Baby room. Learn common words and phrases releated to babies and nursery in Spanish with example sentences.

  • Around the House - Spanish Vocabulary

    House vocabulary in Spanish! In this lesson, you will learn the most common Spanish words used for rooms and things around the house.

  • Ir conjugation

    Learn how to conjugate the verb "ir" which means "to go". Spanish verb conjugation of ir. A list of ir conjugation and how to use

  • Ver conjugation in Spanish

    List of different forms of ver (to see) in Spanish, ver conjugation. Learn how to conjugate the verb ver and other common verbs in Spanish.

  • Ser vs Estar

    Ser vs Estar in Spanish. What are the differences between to two Spanish verbs "ser" and "estar" which both mean "to be" in English. Learn how and when to use ser and estar.

  • Numbers in Spanish - How to count from 1 to 1000+

    How to say numbers in Spanish 1 100. Guides on counting in Spanish. Find out how to count to 10, to 100, and when to use cardinal numbers.